A few photographic illustrations from 'What the Orangutan Told Alice'
Praise for 'What the Orangutan Told Alice'
Alice's most recent adventures further establish Dale Smith as one of the leading environmental writers for children. Alice communicates with the animals as only a child can. 'What the Orangutan Told Alice' will give children of all ages a deep sympathy and understanding of the plight of young orangutans who are driven from their natural habitats. If only more of us stopped to listen to the animals, the conservation movement would move forward at the speed of light.
Dr. Jane Goodall
This novel for young adults opens a magical door into the haunting world of orangutans - and what they teach us about ourselves.
Amory B. Lovins
Many thanks to Dale Smith for giving the young reader a true picture of the plight of today's orangutans and of those trying to help - all dipped in a sweet coat of fantasy that makes it a most palatable read for any age.
Betty White
'What the Orangutan Told Alice' is wonderful reading for teens and adults, too. It stands the human belief that we are superior to other beings on its head! Read the book and listen to orangutans and gibbons tell you how humans appear to our fellow earthlings as we destroy our, and their, world. And meet some caring humans trying to help.
Shirley McGreal, Chairwoman
This could be the book that at last awakens us to our obsession with self-importance at the expense of even our closest genetic neighbors. The fight for Species Rights lags far behind progress in Civil Rights and Human Rights. 'What the Orangutan Told Alice' is an important work to plant the seed for this awareness in our children and to energize those of us who have seen the shameful treatment of our fellow creatures to be vocal in their defense. Dale Smith's excellent photographs deepen the passion of this uniquely conceived and clearly written book.
Fred Bauer
And a few words from kids who read 'What the Orangutan Told Alice'
I enjoyed reading your book from start to the end. You made this book seem so realistic, which made it more fun to read. The characters seem like real people, one of the characters named Alice seems like a regular girl. In a way I think I can relate to her. Thank you for writing this book, it changed my opinions about animals and made me think about how we are actually causing animal extinctions.
Jessica Ham
Your book 'What the Orangutan Told Alice' wasn't the kind of book that I usually like to read. However, it was interesting because of the adventurous journey that Alice and Shane take. This made it easy and enjoyable to read, even though I am not into science fiction books. This book did inspire me, because it informed me on all the things that go on in the forests that some people don't know about. For instance, I did not know that poachers actually take baby orangutans to be sold as pets. This is a horrid thing and it inspired me to tell others about your book, so that they could read it and be informed. Then maybe they could tell others that they know about your book.
Chelsea Drake
First of all I would really like to say Thank You for writing this book. I found it really interesting how I learned so much about orangutan and the rainforest, without really knwing that I was learning.
Chauntae Richardson
I found your book to be a bit unusual and something I wouldn't ordinarily read. I like to read non-fiction books but apparently I enjoy reading science fiction too. I was fond of the book 'What the Orangutan Told Alice.' It was very exciting and kept me guessing throughout the story.
Kate Kahaleai
When you talked about the girl trying to protect the gibbon from the children, it really had me into the book. And later when one of the orangtuans talked about how his finger tip got cut off, I could picture the whole scene happening in my head. In conclusion, your book, 'What the Orangutan Told Alice,' was great. Not just great, but great!
Gloria Glopey
'What the Orangutan Told Alice' was absolutely wonderful and I would encourage other people my age and older to read that book. It was filled with a lot great information about orangutans and the effects people have on them. It is so great that u would make an informational book on orangutans fro people my age and make it fun for us to read.
Brittney Stellar
... it was a really good idea to put a glossary in the back of the book. Instead of having to go and get a dictionary and look up the words, you can just look in the back of the book!
Heather Hunt
... (What the Orangutan Told Alice) got me into learning more about the rainforest and its beauty. This story brought me into the adventure of two teenagers and gave me a whole new perspective on life.
Chelsea Wasserman
I enjoyed reading 'What the Orangutan Told Alice' because it had great detail that made you feel like youwere in the book with Alice, Shane and the rest of their friends they meet ontheir journey through the jungle.
Trevor Nelson
'What the Orangutan told Alice' inspired me to do something that will make a difference, a big difference.
Courtney Cleverley